36 Regiment Royal Artillery​


'Hello All Stations'
"Incoming Fire has the Right of Way"
Dedicated to all who served in
36th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
36th Guided Weapon Regiment (Anti-Aircraft)
36th Heavy Air Defence Regiment Royal Artillery
The Essex Gunners
Welcome to the 36 Regiment web site.
Please look around, enjoy your visit, and call back again soon.
Please explore the massive amount of information on the 36 Regiment Web Site.
Look into the history of our Regiment and the Batteries that were once part of it.
Find information about the equipment that the Regiment used.
If you wish your name added to our Database, then please fill in the
Form on our Members Page.
The aim of this Web site is to bring together all old comrades of all arms who
served together in 36 Regiment Royal Artillery.
The Regiment was put into Suspended Animation in 1977, and we feel that it
is very important for old comrades to be able to attend Annual Reunions and
make contact with their old comrades.
36 Regiment was a real family Regiment, the Regiment may no longer
be with us, but the family remain.
We are intent on keeping the spirit of the Regiment alive.

Get on - Parade!
Eyes Front
Welcome to our Web site. You have found the site that is dedicated to all who
served in, or were associated with the Biggest and we think the Best Regiment
that was in service in the Royal Regiment of Artillery.
36 Heavy Air Defence Regiment was put into Suspended Animation on
the 31st December 1977, and since then, the spirit of the Regiment has
been carried on by Annual Reunions.
These Reunions had been held at the University of East Anglia in Norwich,
and were organised by Brian and Jan Greenland, and after the sad passing
of Brian, by Jan herself. Since 2002 the Reunions have been organised
by Reunion Secretary Paul Barber with help from Keith (Monty) Houldey
and in the early days by myself.
We welcome our new President Terry Rowland
to his new role going forward.
We look forward to receiving your photos and stories. Please navigate
around the site and find out about future Reunion's, the History of the
Regiment and its Batteries, the Thunderbird Missile System, and lots more.
Please sign our Guestbook we are interested to hear what you think.
We hope you find our Web site interesting and informative.

Please don't forget to Sign our Guestbook
before you leave our Website
For all ex members of the Regiment, of all arms, please take time to contact us with
your details. We will then enter your details onto our database.
If you have any Photo's or Item's of interest for inclusion on the site,
please send them to me by email.
Please don't forget to check out the Notice Board for all the latest news.
I hope you find the Website of some interest and informative.
Thank you for visiting the 36 Regiment Web site, and please call again,
I have noticed that nearly all of the Royal Artillery Old Comrades Association and Regimental Websites have now disappeared from the Internet, so we have out lasted many of them due to your continued support over many years. Thank you All.
Enjoy your Visit
Keith Holdernes ​​
Don't forget to listen into our 36 Playlist
chosen by our members on our Facebook Page.

Play Me